Under silver sheets are hidden the shades of life.
Beneath the exterior, beyond the surface, under the covers, above the degrees.
Through and through.
Its a network of relationships.
A flabbergasting connectivity.
A secret paradox of invisible jewelry -
a lively discussion of an impossible conundrum.
Ambiguous realities.
Certain fantasies.
An open dream beyond dreams.
A nightmare!!!
So to speak.
Beyond these eyes, there is light,
scintillating with pregnant energy.
It is impossible to stay calm!
Its beyond all reality.
Its certainly not 'a' fantasy.
Something must be done.
Something must just happen.
If everything is shown
nothing can be hidden.
nothing downtrodden.
There is morphosis, and then there is METAmorphosis!
Listen now.
The truth be said.
The lies be fooled.
The law maker's brain's dead.
The robber's lost his tools.
All is yellow
but a little pale in shade.
Red is not just danger -
its a harbinger curtailed.
Even stranger is the rose
that shows it is scared,
afraid to be plucked,
unsure of its fate.
Stemming from thorns
are seeds and fruits
At the root of it all
fall the gravity-chutes.
Just enough to be a mystery.
falling only short of the truth.
Some strange tree
- fountain of its own youth.
An inadequately revealed tapestry.
- a conclusion en route.
Its a mystery,
but there are also clues.
There are also fools -
the rules of mind-trickery.
Three things happen from here on now - past, present and future somehow.
About that - don't be so sure.
It has a trivial symptom
It is just a shadowy feud.
Words are wisdom for some musicians ears.
That one who listens,
to the one who cares.
And then there's that storm - a beautiful spiral collusion,
waiting to unfold, the story untold.
Its been at it through an endless iteration.
And yet another one
is about to begin.
is about to begin.
Patiently performing its dance.
Singing its paintings,
drawing its songs.
The sounds of fluctuating reality are merely the letters that make up the words.
The sentences are sheer poetry.
Paragraphs of punctuated ecstasy.
And for those who shit numbers -
the mathematics is sheer wizardry.
A laundry list of angelic beauty.
What exactly are we talking about here?
more importantly, Who is talking to whom?
These things have been going on forever.
There have been countless instances of epiphanies.
Certainly shallow attempts of curiosity!
Time is an arrow beyond the point of tomorrow.
Zero things are accomplished when everyone is a hero.
But somewhere heroic happenings occur when everywhere is zero.
How reflections speak with each other, how translations talk through symbols?
How Dylans sing their sorrow how McLachlans throw their tears?
Imaginations are waking from deep slumber here.
Penetrations are happening through and through - everywhere.
Where is it then?
More importantly, What time is when?
The difference between infinity and zen is a lack of something abundant - emptiness.
We are sometimes taller than the small
- and sometimes smaller than the tall.
If one witnesses these moments, one only sees oneness.
If one is in his senses
then unfortunately there is only nonsense.
- a groundless fall.
Now here is "a" solution:
Now here is "a" solution:
Here is Infinite.
Now is Eternal.
Be here now.
Be here now.
You'll know if you listen here.
But let me shut up now.
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