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June 10, 2006


coming from here
going there
the seconds pass by
and seem to go no where

green, white and brown
are the colors of this town
somewhere there's a blue
hidden above the view
prime numbers float here
they are quite real, I swear
the pattern(s) alter somewhere
the true picture remains unclear

A sound trembles in the heat
A moan embraces the beat
she waits to touch those dreams
of receding memories

the light has gotten dim
the birds can no more sing
people are closing their eyes
to see the same sun…rise

the shadow has turned yellow
the mind has fallen mellow
a dawn is coming soon and
soon it will be noon

the pretty face is tired
coz another day has gone
when fireworks were fired
and another year was gone

several lives have gone extinct
this change has different meanings
the water has now flown over
a meager pocket full of things

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