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March 26, 2010

The Others - they are there.

The other is defined by the self. 
The Other is a reflection of the self. 
The other is a counterpoint of reference, a scorching suggestion of reality. 
The other is a shadow of the protection we live under - a sensory zoo, which we observe ourselves observing. 
The other is a figment of our imagination, a dream in our reality. 
The other is a balloon, flying high in the sky, a vision of the self with an infinite Why?
The other is a poignant speculation of cryptic reality, a heartless manifestation of fear, an emergence of constant hope. 
The other is a story within stories, entwined within realities, extending eternally into nothingness. 
The other is a spark of truth, a glimpse of disguise.
The other is a wretched kingdom, a beatific hell. The other is love affair with freedom, a slavery of prisons. 
The other is a reflection in the mirror.....
- the eyes behind the curtain.

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