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November 04, 2008

These are a musical times....

Change shines in like a colorless light.
It erupts into an energy that is unfathomable and countless in a vibrant sort of way.
When something important happens, it happens in a very authentic manner - like the blues. Waves of positronic flux simultaneously envelop and leap out of the imaginary boundaries that separated us from our own selves.
We are finally getting a glimpse into our own unity.
We are looking back in time - enshrining our roots.
The old and the orthodox minus the preciousness of tradition are only an empty shatter in the subtle fears that pin us down to comfort, that break our intrepid spirit, and crowd our innocent freedom.
The voice of change is a song of the youth.
This is a rhythm of new energy.
Nomore a plastic replica.
Its real this time.
It is the pulse of the new generation.
The milieu of a collective human behavior.
It is that what politics truly is.

Something of utmost importance is going on and we need to awaken to its beauty.
We need to let go of our adolescent notions of a languished material pride and symbolic apathy to welcome this fresh and detached sense of impermanent ownership.
There is no race and the finish line is just a carrot hanging over our quintessential vision - blinding us from our soul.

The reward lies not in a discovery, but in a pious predisposition to connect with our higher selves.
The inevitable is inevitable only because of the innate rhythms of nature.
In reality we are all trying to reveal to each other a blatantly open secret -

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