The first human - lets call him pi - sat on a rock above the valley. He dreamed of the future, a concept about which he had no idea - yet. Everything from language to art, politics, domestication, invention, science, exploration, philosophizing, religion, and back to the self were the visions of his future dream. He saw that the future held various manifestations of these emergent human traits. As a result, the consequent events in history included the different ages from stone age to steel age and from the age of reason to the age of enlightenment. Renaissance, the industrial revolution, the world wars, the discovery of the DNA, were examples of descriptions of these historical events and incidents that were about to unfold. There was language - the translation of abstract thoughts into a recordable format, the descriptions and chronological recording of human history, yet another manifestation of those original abstractions made by the primitive mind. The realization of being home was imposed by the name and the image of the planet that humans will carry in their heads with certainty. An astronaut in space confirmed this fact visually. From there outwards the human eye expanded the naming and identification process to the vast out reaches of the fairly uncertain concept of space. The different craters on the moon, the different moons of Jupiter, the minuscule's size of the solar system in the milky way, and the final minuteness of his galaxy in an infinite and eternal universe were the examples of this inside-out exploration. And at the depths of matter were discovered subatomic particles, waves, strings and probabilities. The core of the living organism was found to be a 4 lettered code of a three lettered DNA molecule. Here again, abstractions of nature translated via language into symbolic concepts, ideas, descriptions, names, pathways and theories - mental models of the universe that they were all curiously trying to agree upon while at the same time being drawn by the unknown infinity.
Pi wakes up from this dream. Does not understand what just happened. Does not know how to express his experience. Pi was scared. He brushed the wildflowers on the rock he was sitting on. Then he violently rubbed the green leaves. Pi had painted his (and perhaps humanities...who knows?) first piece of art trying to depict the flower on a stem.
Pi observes a piece of wood lying about and kicked it, observing that the circular part of the tree just rolled over the hills. The idea of the wheel was on its way.
With a little imagination one can construct ones own stories of how Pis dream, his art, his inventions and many other things he and his fellow humans were about to do in the course of time became history.
The phenomenon of Pi progressively became repetitive through themes like Galileo, Issac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, etc.
If one then goes back to the moment when Pi had that dream and connects this series of events and incidents to the primordial thought or the origin of his dream one truly begins to see the significance of Pi's destiny.
Cheers to Pi.
Pi wakes up from this dream. Does not understand what just happened. Does not know how to express his experience. Pi was scared. He brushed the wildflowers on the rock he was sitting on. Then he violently rubbed the green leaves. Pi had painted his (and perhaps humanities...who knows?) first piece of art trying to depict the flower on a stem.
Pi observes a piece of wood lying about and kicked it, observing that the circular part of the tree just rolled over the hills. The idea of the wheel was on its way.
With a little imagination one can construct ones own stories of how Pis dream, his art, his inventions and many other things he and his fellow humans were about to do in the course of time became history.
The phenomenon of Pi progressively became repetitive through themes like Galileo, Issac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, etc.
If one then goes back to the moment when Pi had that dream and connects this series of events and incidents to the primordial thought or the origin of his dream one truly begins to see the significance of Pi's destiny.
Cheers to Pi.
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