Once there was a silent moment and you had it all for yourself. You shouted and shattered it into a billion glassy pieces.
What do you know?
Destruction and creation, black and white, yin and yang.
The shards all around would look really nice. Reflecting the waves of spectral lights- A pretty sight.
Like moments spread on a toasty morning, slippery with the alignment of heavenly bodies - ellipsoid events scattered with undecided regularity.
Somewhere on some street the cars stopped at once as one side signaled red.
A simultaneously green on the other side made the people step on the gas, accelerating into several directions, several times around. Where did they come from and where would the go?
This continued forever.
It changes and yet remains the same.
The skeleton of a new building in progress stared up at the skyscrapers on the other side of the shore. More people needed a place to live. More people needed places to go to.
More people were homeless on the street. More strangers one has yet to meet.
This continued forever.
It changed and yet remained the same.
The graveyard and the hospital were synchronized with the symmetry of life and death.
While some mourned the demise of loved ones, others celebrated the birth of ones to love...or hate....or kill. Life went on from physics to chemistry
The architect looked up and made a circle around this space and time. It all appeared in constant motion. Never still. Always moving.
Unaware to all a bigger circle was also drawn simultaneously. The ellipse of some huge ass galaxy was about to intersect the relatively minuscule orbit of the solar system that contained the third rock from the sun, and that cheese-faced moon.
An explosion was imminent. An explosion of cosmic proportions.
Hold on.
...or whatever you can do.
Just be. Just don’t shout please. This is a moment in eternity.
There is no need to get excited.
It is just reality
1 comment:
Sometimes its fun to shout. Excitement is exciting.
Don't be so
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