Completeness was far from over. The cycle kept on going. The tide kept on turning, and her life kept on throbbing. The beating of the heart got faster as the events of awakening unfolded in time. Her eyes opened and she jerked up straight, her spine towards the sky.
Lucy found herself on a large rock floating in the sea. There was a full moon in the sky. The waves crashed on the rock with an unexpected gentleness. There was a breeze in the air. Her hair shone against the silvery blue light of that night. Sound had a rejuvenating quality here.
Mood had a special flavor.
Am I dead?
Am I born?
Am I dreaming?
Is this real?
Who am I?
What place is this?
What year, date, day of the week is it?
Complete amnesia on an inhospitable rock in the middle of the ocean under a dreamy sky. What a situation!!

Some soft music started playing before she became aware of a certain change in her scene. There was a subtle rhythm that seemed to be getting louder by the second and yet far far away before its crescendo.The sound, that was the only thing that seemed to indicate change in this changeless painting of a situation.
The music kept getting louder but too gradually to take notice.
Maybe its my imagination.
She thought for a second. Quietly in that breeze she thought for a second.
As the wind brushed against the midnight moon, Lucy imagined the most beautiful sunrise. It was raining lightly as the sun came out and a rainbow curved in the golden sky. She picked up some fresh fruit off the grass and walked into the log-cabin by the edge of the valley.
In the far distance there was mild lightening.
A delicate thunder vibrated in the wooden walls.
The music kept playing. The time kept flowing. Completeness was far from over.
Lucy kept imagining..