Consciousness occurs at a slow pace. It is like a gradual stage of blaring through silence into noise beyond our hearing limits. One doesn't know exactly. There are weird times of the day or night when understanding dawns. It may be the most unexpected situation for an eureka moment.
You never know instantaneously about profound realizations.
Your epiphanies and discoveries are hidden under and behind layers of ambiguities.
Lucy realized this and that in itself was a step closer into a new level.
Ones madness is a whim unearthed. Apology for an ego washes fear into truth.
There is an artistry in the brief sincerity of the moment when people stop existing and persons come alive. The truth of a purpose sprouts at a moment of a rare blip.
Individuals have never been as engaged in a revolution as they are when facing the limits of their programmed lives.
In such moments, occurs consciousness.
In such moments, the limits are crossed. In such moments, creatures who cannot fly, take giant leaps of imagination and invent time travel.
In such moments, history is made.
Consciousness is a message to ourselves. It is a moment when we come full circle with our historical egos.
What happens now? Hopefully something wonderful!
Lucy reached the end of a quest, which had no beginning.
And then, she took a giant step outside her mind...