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November 24, 2010

Approaching Surrealities.

It was an electric shock that sent the stock - flying.
It was chaos that generated the scintillating excitement.
Our prison is a fractal reality. 
And the message on this graffiti-less wall is a reflection of sorts:

We obviously need machines.
We just have not expanded our domain of compassion to accommodate the machine.
In a way we are still adapting to 'it' as we speak and connect 'through it'.
 A machine is not so much a 'thing' as much as it is a 'process' - an extension of our own evolving internal systematics.
Machines are byproducts of our organic brain.
Try to prove this statement wrong: "there is nothing 'artificial' in this universe."

But the story continues:

Through the big bang came the universe.
Through evolution came man.
Through man came the word.
Through words came "a" level of reality. 

The concepts being talked about and the words being heard are signals of communication.
The images being seen and the dreams being experienced are semiotic in nature.
What you read is just a voice whispering in your ears as you mechanically operate under the rules of the software that has programmed your identity - your sense of existence.

Your own little story of myths and histories.

1-Experiences are semiotic in nature.
2-Nature is experienced semiotically.

These are circular arguments of infinite nature - like the loopy spirals of infinity, or some Julia's fractal topology.
The output is always a re-organized input. 
And that is processing.

That is experience.

A fine balance exists between the static and the dynamic.
A delicate thread connects the flow with the friction.
Mind is an imprinted flow of matter, while matter is a flowing code - fountaining out of the mind.


How about the ape that ate shit as it faced the drop off a cliff?
That's what happens when you jump trees.
Eventually you hit the ground because of gravity.

Apples are obviously easier to deal with.
The mathematics is simpler.
The real paucity however, is of poetry.

Stars and birds must have circled the poor beasts skull.
It must have become worried.
Must have got it thinking.
Consciousness is a funny thing.
No-it is a flow.

In the mood for reality?
Or, the suggestion is that we just dream it up!
Who can tell the difference anyway?

Either way, this show is going to glow with the darkness as it ebbs and flows.
Ah, the incredible lightness of being!

Welcome to the Machine!

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