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December 12, 2007

Dilemma on thee couch...

How do you feel?

I feel absolutely automatic.

Can you describe this automaticity?

Yes. I will use an analogy. Say clothes or example. Clothes are at the complete mercy of the wearer's whim. They travel with him in the company of other clothes, some friends some foes. Some look good some look so so. Some ugly and out they go. The rest are tossed in the washer, hurled in the drier, with each other and into one another. Sometimes they try to fly - escape like Jerry once joked about. The adventure comes back from hangers to being folded, and sometimes being forgotten. In the end there is disintegration of some sort or a drastic change of owners, from home to homeless, shredding thread after thread on the streets, a final purpose before with dust it meets.

But a piece of clothing is a mere garment. No free will.

Yes, but that was just to describe the automaticity.

So do you feel you are without free will and automatic?

No. This is just how I feel now. At this particular moment. Most of the times, like him and her, you and them.

Hmm. So how will you feel after this has passed?

Like a tree. A seed in the dirt. Water and sun and an urgent sense of growth. An ambition to go high, branch out into infinite possibilities. Flowering dreams that bear fruit. Spreading the seed, living in harmony with the weed.

And what next then? Does this lead to other things?

I don't know, it is then that I start feeling automatic. When I think, what next, what next, what next...

What would you rather feel?

Automatic like a tree. Right here and right now, not like the fate of the shirt or the jeans.

So whats the plan?

The plan was always there. Always is. Its been the secret of the seed. The wet earth the sun and the breeze.

Then what is the difficulty?


The answer is just be.

Just be me?



1 comment:

ElPato said...

on thee couch... dilemma. can't wait to talk about it in person. The heat is on, its on the streets. That is all my friend