It is difficult at this point to say which Lucy we are talking about.
But why dont you view this as an opportunity to share my confusion?
After all, it is a confusing situation. For god'ssake, Lucy was confused!
Lucy ran for a long time. She did'nt literally run.
She was on the bus, in the car, on a plane, in a train, on a ship, in a boat, on a horse, and in a submarine! But in essence, she was running.
Running away from whatever it was that was happening.
Running from what was happening.
What was happening!!!
How can one run from what is happening?
Does it not mean that because it is happening all the time - no matter where you are - there is really no escape from the effects of that which IS happening?
Lucy paused. She sat. She took a shot of whiskey. She smoked a cigarette. She slept for 2 days. She tried to wake up for another three.
She went to see a parapsychologist.
But why dont you view this as an opportunity to share my confusion?
After all, it is a confusing situation. For god'ssake, Lucy was confused!
Lucy ran for a long time. She did'nt literally run.
She was on the bus, in the car, on a plane, in a train, on a ship, in a boat, on a horse, and in a submarine! But in essence, she was running.
Running away from whatever it was that was happening.
Running from what was happening.
What was happening!!!
How can one run from what is happening?
Does it not mean that because it is happening all the time - no matter where you are - there is really no escape from the effects of that which IS happening?
Lucy paused. She sat. She took a shot of whiskey. She smoked a cigarette. She slept for 2 days. She tried to wake up for another three.
She went to see a parapsychologist.
"Tom was his name, and reading minds was his game"
Lucy's situation did not surprise him as much as it disturbed him.
He was finally making progress in understanding his own situation, and suddenly this chic comes up to him describing experiences that threatened to confuse his own.
Tom was already confused. His obsession with parapsychology seemed to have opened the pinhole a bit more w i d e r.
Hell, it seemed to have punched a huge hOle in the door.
That night Tom made love to Lucy.
Intimacy is a very powerful interface.
ONE cannot deny that it is unique to experience TWO = ONE.
But in this particular case the above equation carries even more depth. Because in this story, not just TWO = ONE, but also ONE + ONE = TWO = ONE = ONE + ONE.
Multiply each side with Lucy and TOM.....
Ahh...forget it. Mathematics is just a complicated way of telling a simple story.
In the warped up space-time scenario ("which is the plot" for those readers who are not lost yet) of this story, ONE can imagine how genetic inheritance may work.
ONE can also imagine the meaning of god. Or can contemplate about the meaning of death.
Think about thinking?
Imagine imagining?
Laugh about laughing?
Feel about feelings?
R e a l l y think about what is real?
"Damn!", thought Lucy. I gotta run!!
She sneaked out of Toms bed.
She was on the run....
running hard.
To become one.
Not someone.
Not anyone.
Mathematics is a complicated way of telling a simple story.
Boy, can I atest to that statement!! Hehe, hats off bugger...
How bout writing a song called lucy and the crazy diamond. Now this song will be technology based. Not the drug LSD, but LCD!! ;)
Mathematics is a complicated way of telling a simple story.
Boy, can I atest to that statement!! Hehe, hats off bugger...
How bout writing a song called lucy and the crazy diamond. Now this song will be technology based. Not the drug LSD, but LCD!! ;)
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