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July 29, 2020


are scrambled projections-
noise and signals,
(or holographic feeds)
emanating quite randomly
from experiential moments
and raw data-streams.

Waking lives
are autopoetic wheels
spinning rapidly
in tandem succession,
(or horrifying zeal)
to match the speed 
of the calcifying spiels.

it’s the joker in the dream
for whom the waking lives feel
like the empty cup of minds
(or conscious matter indeed)
to become some sort of a ‘thing’
that is thrown carelessly into being.

April 20, 2020

Are illusions really real?

Is it all 
just an illusion
in our heads 
that the living are,
 a little more kinder 
than those who are
most definitely dead?
That the world 
seems to snugly fit,
the tacit frames
in our minds
so that,
just when we decide
 to be a little more kind, 
it changes itself again,
excavating questions
that were hidden
beyond secretly
bold apparitions,
which have now
made their way 
to the surface of our beliefs, 
for the moment, 
to be here,
for the moment
to be safe?

March 09, 2020

Blowing WITH the wind?

Deliberately moving
Through the notions
Somewhat composed
Somewhat emotional 
Bags of skin and cells
Travelled well through 
The pulsing dimensions
Of light and dark particles 
Beating frequently to the laws 
of fundamental motions.

Blending with the fields 
They yielded at the signs
Of concatenated equations 
And time-signature mimes.
A rip in time 
spilled revolutions 
of the strangest kind
Some were quite potent
Others—cheap imitations.
But the minds continued to matter 
Thinking thoughts and lots of chatter.
What is this? How is that?
Why believe 
when we can worship cats?
The drama continued
And in fact got fatter
As the winds blew further
From the questions answered.

January 30, 2020

Speculative thoughts and pointless questions?

What is a Word
floating in a void,
or a sentence
devoid of meaning,
but suspended gibberish,
which for eternity
is changing?

Is it like seeing
without sight,
or watching
without peeking,
or is it the paucity
of cool light,
lurking in the shadows
of a brave awakening?

Blended themes 
and minced fears,
can make such things
seem much more clear.
But who is keeping
an eye on these dreams
that boldly appear
through a crackling stream?

January 20, 2020

Recipe of Binaries

The maladies 
of nostalgia - 
sweet strawberries 
and red cherry pies.
Before words
and after prayers,
broken rhymes about
how no one cares.
Will the metal melt
as the machines break,
what humans felt
was just give and take?
Watered melancholia 
poured over social media,
baked epiphanies stirred
with tyrannical pop-trivia?